Chesterfield Canel

Distance - 6miles
Ascent - 328 feet
Time - 3hrs

As we live next to the Chesterfield Cannel we decided to do a local walk to burn some of them extra pounds gained over christmas. It was only 3 miles to our dinner stop then 3miles back home. If you haven't been along the Chesterfiled Cannel before its a great walk and there has been a lot of work taken place over the past year and is still on going. They have got it looking really good.

We got on the cannel at the Barrowhill lock where there have built a new vistor centre and car park, headed towards Chesterfield. The cannel is a very easy walk being flat and a good path you can quickly start ticking the miles away. There is plenty of wildlife to see and some good views along the way.

With the good weather we was lucky to get the place to ourselfs, making it all the way to Chesterfield without seeing anybody else. Are dinner stop would be at the Lock Keepers pub in Chesterfield, where the people behind the bar must have thought we was mad when i asked for the food to be served outside as we had the dogs with us. The food was very nice and a hot cup of coffee to warm us up saw us on are way. We headed back to the cannel to head back home, where there had been a change. Everyone had come out  in force and was on the cannel. But we still had a great walk home.

We only live a 2minn walk from getting on the cannel and walk on there every nite with the dog and some times having this on are door step we take it for granted. So i thought i would let people see what it has to offer. If you want a steady walk and have never been its worth a visit.

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